Home Markets The Importance of Transparent Volume Data in Cryptography

The Importance of Transparent Volume Data in Cryptography



BitYard + Nomics

BitYard is delighted to announce the listing of the exchange on Nomics.

BitYard is delighted to announce the listing of the exchange on Nomics.

BitYard is pleased to announce the exchange listing on the crypto asset data firm nomicwhich provides real-time crypto market capitalization rankings, latest market prices, trading volume, charts and transparent trading volume metrics for major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) .

Although everyone is used to looking at current market trading volume via the two well-known data providers CoinMarketcap and Coingecko, Nomics provides two interesting metrics that CoinMarketcap and Coingecko do not have: transparent volume and forecast price over seven days.

Nomics has published transparent volume indicators by tracking data provided by the exchange and defines “transparent exchanges” as exchanges that provide high granularity (trade-level) data with full history. Nomics strictly divides the exchange into 7 grades such as A+, A, A-, B, C, D, F, etc., hoping to reassure users about the exchange’s transaction data transparency.

Additionally, this crypto aggregator also generates seven-day price forecasts by tracking the market volume of cryptocurrency assets across multiple exchanges. It will be of great interest to users in the rapidly changing crypto market and also means that the data provided by the exchange is very important to Nomics.

Exchanges provide trading data, allowing Nomics to generate better predicted prices, and Nomics also provides transparent trading volume indicators. Users who use the Nomics service at the same time may have better interpretation and judgment of market data.

To get better rankings and make users more trustworthy, exchanges will provide more comprehensive transaction data to markets, and at the same time, Nomics will get more accurate data to generate seven-day price prediction services to encourage more users to use their platform. . Therefore, it creates a cycle that benefits exchanges, Nomics, and users.

Currently, BitYard ranks 111 out of 785 exchanges in terms of transparency and trading volume and continues to improve.

About Nomics
We are a premier crypto-asset API data company that provides enterprise-grade market data APIs to institutional crypto investors and exchanges. We offer products and services that enable funds, fintech applications and exchanges to access clean, standardized and flawless trade and order book data.

About BitYard
BitYard is a one-stop cryptocurrency trading platform with the most professional services. BitYard provides users with a trading solution through Spot, Contracts for Differences (CFD), Reverse Perpetual Contracts, USDT Perpetual Contracts, Grid trading and Copy-trading.

Bit Yard:www.bityard.com

Media contact: Jeanne Hsieh

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